Fossil Fuel Threat Mapping

Illustrating the threats of fossil fuel extraction

Explore the Africa-focused portfolio below

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Featured Maps

African Continent:
threats to protected areas

river intersections

Sharm-El Sheikh, Egypt:
coral reefs

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Africa: Fossil fuel production overview

Continental - Overview

Continental - Detailed

northwestern Africa

eastern Africa

northern Africa

southern Africa

western-central Africa

Western Africa

Cumulative threats

Threatened Ramsar Sites

Penaues Shrimp habitat overlap

Giant Cuttlefish habitat overlap


Egypt - Fossil Fuels

Sharm El Sheikh - Coral Reefs

South Africa

South Africa - Ecosystems

South Africa - Protected Areas


Ecologically & Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs)

Biomass Density & Protected Areas

Proposed Pipeline River Crossings

Senegal: Sine-Saloum Delta

The Philippines

The Caribbean